Sponsor Excel Together West Virginia

Support this unique and valuable initiative

Excel Together West Virginia is transforming the state's pathway into postsecondary education and employment, while improving the economic development of its communities. There are many ways that you can help expand and maintain this work.

Sponsor Excel Together West Virginia

You can provide financial support for Excel Together West Virginia through its operating organization, SeeMore Impact Labs, a 501(c)3 non-profit -- your support will be tax deductible.

Sponsorship is a great way to demonstrate your committment to Excel Together West Virginia, and encourage the community to rise together towards educational and workforce success.

Sponsorship benefits may include:

  • Sponsor logos with links in the CSM Course and the Career Strategies course
  • Prominent acknowledgement on this website (www.exceltogetherwv.org)
  • Acknowledgement at events
  • Call-outs in our newsletter and emails to partnering organizations
  • A front seat to the Excel Together West Virginia initiative, including "behind the curtain" peeks at the CSM Course, and conversations with Excel Together West Virginia staff about the initiative and future plans.

Provide scholarships for the CSM Course

You can provide CSM scholarships to schools, workforce programs, drug rehabilition centers, and summer and afterschool programs. Less obviously, it may be that churches, unions, or Rotaries and other civic organizations can provide CSM for their family members or their wider community, retirement communities could offer it for their residents, newspapers for their readers, companies for their employees' families, and cities for their citizens.  

Providing scholarships not only provides funding for schools and other organizations, but also is a concrete indication of your interest in CSM and encourages more schools and organizations to offer it to their students.

Just $54 per student provides:

  • the CSM Course of High Performance skills and the associated CSM Certificate
  • the Career Strategies course
  • professional development of coaches in schools or other organizations
  • college credit worth $400-600 in West Virginia
  • a digital badge of employability skills
  • hiring preferences with employers

Excel Together West Virginia provides free instruction, tools and support for coaches, who can be volunteers. Coaches do not need to be professional instructors because they aren't responsible for teaching math and literacy skills (CSM does that itself!), but are there to help students learn how to learn on their own and provide the support of another person who cares.

If you are interested in providing scholarships but haven't identified a local partner, please contact us and we can work with you to identify potential partner organizations and students.

Sponsorship contact form

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